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  4. Pediatric Advisory Committee
  5. Webcast Information for the May 11, 2018 Joint Meeting of the Pediatric and the Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committees
  1. Pediatric Advisory Committee

Webcast Information for the May 11, 2018 Joint Meeting of the Pediatric and the Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committees

Tommy Douglas Conference Center
10000 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, Maryland 20903
May 11, 2018

The Food and Drug Administration will provide a live webcast of the May 11, 2018, joint meeting of the Pediatric Advisory Committee and the Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee. 

The Meeting is scheduled to start at 8:00 AM EST but is closed to the public until 11:00 AM. The open session will begin at 12:00 PM. The webcast will be on-line at 11:30 AM EST so that you can log on and check your system. We recommend using Google Chrome as your browser. Our dual viewer shows both the presenter and the slides on the same screen.

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