Enterprise System Life Cycle Management Support (ELMS)
- On April 15, 2010, FDA hosted a meeting for representatives from the 21 ELMS vendor organizations to provide background and clarity on the ELMS contract and to launch the FDA/Vendor relationship
- 75 participants attended
- The ELMS Management Team provided an overview of
- The DOS Program Acquisition Strategy
- How the contract aligns with the EPLC framework
- The ELMS contracting process
- Planned Task Orders for FY10 and FY11
- A question and answer session provided participants the opportunity to solicit details regarding key elements of the acquisition strategy and ELMS contracting mechanics
- The next Vendor Day is scheduled for October 2010
ELMS Contractors
Large Businesses (10) | Small Businesses (11) |
Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. (BAH) | 2020 Company |
CGI Federal | Dovel Technologies |
Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) | Exeter Government Partners, LLC |
Deloitte Consulting, Inc. | GlobalNet Services, inc. |
High Performance Technologies, Inc. (HPTI) | IDL Solutions |
Lockheed Martin | MacFadden |
NCI Information Systems, Inc. (NCI) | Paragon Technology Group |
Northrup Grumman | Platinum Solutions |
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) | Quality Services Software, Inc. (QSSI) |
Systems Research and Applications Corporation (SRA) | Select Computing, Inc. (SCI) |
Telesis |