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  1. FDA Bioresearch Monitoring Information


  1. General Instructions
    1. The investigator will determine the current state of GLP compliance by evaluating the laboratory facilities, operations, and study performance as outlined in Parts III, C, and D of this program.
    2. Organization Chart - If the facility maintains an organization chart, obtain a current version of the chart for use during the inspection and submit it in the EIR.
    3. Facility Floor-plan Diagram – Obtain a diagram of the facility. The diagram may identify areas that are not used for GLP activities. If it does not, request that appropriate facility personnel identify any areas that are not used for GLP activities. Use during the inspection and submit it in the EIR.
    4. Master Schedule Sheet - Obtain a copy of the firm's master schedule sheet for all studies listed since the last GLP inspection or last two years and select studies as defined in 21 CFR 58.3(d). If the inspection is the first inspection of the facility, review the entire master schedule. If studies are identified as non-GLP, determine the nature of several studies to verify the accuracy of this designation. See 21 CFR 58.1 and 58.3(d). In contract laboratories determine who decides if a study is a GLP study.
    5. Identification of Studies
      1. Directed Inspections – Inspection assignments will identify studies to be audited.
      2. Surveillance inspections – Inspection assignments may identify one or more studies to be audited. If the assignment does not identify a study for coverage, or if the referenced study is not suitable to assess all portions of current GLP compliance, the investigator will select studies as necessary to evaluate all areas of laboratory operations. When additional studies are selected, first priority should be given to FDA studies for submission to the assigning Center. NOTE: Studies performed for submission to other government agencies, e.g., Environmental Protection Agency, National Toxicology Program, National Cancer Institute, etc., will not be audited without authorization from the Bioresearch Monitoring Program Coordinator (HFC-230). However, this authorization is not necessary to briefly look at one of these studies to assess the ongoing operations of a portion of the facility.
        1. Criteria for selecting on-going and completed studies
          1. Safety studies conducted on FDA-regulated products that have been initiated or completed since the last GLP inspection.
          2. Safety studies that encompass the full scope of laboratory operations.
          3. Studies that are significant to safety assessment, e.g. carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, chronic toxicity studies.
          4. Studies in several species of animals.

          The investigator is encouraged to contact the Center for guidance on study selection.

        2. Ongoing Studies - Obtain a copy of the study protocol and determine the schedule of activities that will be underway during the inspection. This information should be used to schedule inspections of on-going laboratory operations, as well as equipment and facilities associated with the study. If there are no activities underway in a given area for the study selected, evaluate the area based on on-going activities.
        3. Completed Studies - The data audit should be carried out as outlined in Part III, D. If possible, accompany laboratory personnel when they retrieve the study data to assess the adequacy of data retention, storage, and retrieval as described in Part III, C 10.
  2. Areas of Expertise of the Facility

    Testing facilities may conduct one or more types of studies within the scope of GLP regulations. The field investigator should identify in the EIR the types of studies conducted at the facility using the following broad categories:

    1. Physical-chemical testing
    2. Toxicity studies
    3. Mutagenicity studies
    4. Tissue residue depletion studies
    5. Analytical and clinical chemistry testing
    6. Other studies (specify)
  3. Establishment Inspections
  4. The facility inspection should be guided by the GLP regulations. The following areas should be evaluated and described as appropriate.

    1. Organization and Personnel (21 CFR 58.29, 58.31, 58.33)
      1. Purpose: To determine whether the organizational structure is appropriate to ensure that studies are conducted in compliance with GLP regulations, and to determine whether management, study directors, and laboratory personnel are fulfilling their responsibilities under the GLPs.
      2. Management Responsibilities (21 CFR 58.31) – Identify the various organizational units, their role in carrying out GLP study activities, and the management responsible for these organizational units. This includes identifying personnel who are performing duties at locations other than the test facility and identifying their line of authority. If the facility has an organization chart, much of this information can be determined from the chart.

        Determine if management has procedures for assuring that the responsibilities in 58.31 can be carried out. Look for evidence of management involvement, or lack thereof, in the following areas:

        1. Assigning and replacing study directors.
        2. Control of study director workload (use the Master Schedule to assess workload).
        3. Establishment and support of the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU), including assuring that deficiencies reported by the QAU are communicated to the study directors and acted upon.
        4. Assuring that test and control articles or mixtures are appropriately tested for identity, strength, purity, stability, and uniformity.
        5. Assuring that all study personnel are informed of and follow any special test and control article handling and storage procedures.
        6. Providing required study personnel, resources, facilities, equipment, and materials.
        7. Reviewing and approving protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs).
        8. Providing GLP or appropriate technical training.
      3. Personnel (21 CFR 58.29) - Identify key laboratory and management personnel, including any consultants or contractors used, and review personnel records, policies, and operations to determine if:
        1. Summaries of training and position descriptions are maintained and are current for selected employees.
        2. Personnel have been adequately trained to carry out the study functions that they perform.
        3. Personnel have been trained in GLPs.
        4. Practices are in place to ensure that employees take necessary health precautions, wear appropriate clothing, and report illnesses to avoid contamination of the test and control articles and test systems.
        5. If the firm has computerized operations, determine the following (See also attachment A):

          1. Who was involved in the design, development, and validation of the computer system?
          2. Who is responsible for the operation of the computer system, including inputs, processing, and output of data?
          3. Whether computer system personnel have training commensurate with their responsibilities, including professional training and training in GLPs?
          4. Whether some computer system personnel are contractors who are present on-site full-time, or nearly full-time. The investigation should include these contractors as though they were employees of the firm. Specific inquiry may be needed to identify these contractors, as they may not appear on organization charts.
          5. Interview and observe personnel using the computerized systems to assess their training and performance of assigned duties.
      4. Study director (21 CFR 58.33)
        1. Assess the extent of the study director's actual involvement and participation in the study. In those instances when the study director is located off-site, review any correspondence/records between the testing facility management and quality assurance unit and the off-site study director. Determine that the study director is being kept immediately apprised of any problems that may affect the quality and integrity of the study.
        2. Assess the procedures by which the study director:
          1. Assures the protocol and any amendments have been properly approved and are followed.
          2. Assures that all data are accurately recorded and verified.
          3. Assures that data are collected according to the protocol and SOPs.
          4. Documents unforeseen circumstances that may affect the quality and integrity of the study and implements corrective action.
          5. Assures that study personnel are familiar with and adhere to the study protocol and SOPs.
          6. Assures that study data are transferred to the archives at the close of the study.
      5. EIR Documentation and Reporting - Collect exhibits to document deficiencies. This may include SOPs, organizational charts, position descriptions, and CVs, as well as study-related memos, records, and reports for the studies selected for review. The use of outside or contract facilities must be noted in the EIR. The assigning Center should be contacted for guidance on inspection of these facilities.
    2. Quality Assurance Unit (QAU; 21 CFR 58.35)
      1. Purpose: To determine if the test facility has an effective, independent QAU that monitors significant study events and facility operations, reviews records and reports, and assures management of GLP compliance.
      2. QAU Operations - (21 CFR 58.35(b-d)) - Review QAU SOPs to assure that they cover all methods and procedures for carrying out the required QAU functions, and confirm that they are being followed. Verify that SOPs exist and are being followed for QAU activities including, but not limited to, the following:
        1. Maintenance of a master schedule sheet.
        2. Maintenance of copies of all protocols and amendments.
        3. Scheduling of its in-process inspections and audits.
        4. Inspection of each nonclinical laboratory study at intervals adequate to assure the integrity of the study, and maintenance of records of each inspection.
        5. Immediately notify the study director and management of any problems that are likely to affect the integrity of the study.
        6. Submission of periodic status reports on each study to the study director and management.
        7. Review of the final study report.
        8. Preparation of a statement to be included in the final report that specifies the dates inspections were made and findings reported to management and to the study director.
        9. Inspection of computer operations.

        Verify that, for any given study, the QAU is entirely separate from and independent of the personnel engaged in the conduct and direction of that study. Evaluate the time QAU personnel spend in performing in-process inspection and final report audits. Determine if the time spent is sufficient to detect problems in critical study phases and if there are adequate personnel to perform the required functions.

        NOTE: The investigator may request the firm's management to certify in writing that inspections are being implemented, performed, documented, and followed-up in accordance with this section (See 58.35(d)).

      3. EIR Documentation and Reporting - Obtain a copy of the master schedule sheet dating from the last routine GLP inspection or covering the past two years. If the master schedule is too voluminous, obtain representative pages to permit headquarters review. When master schedule entries are coded, obtain the code key. Deficiencies should be fully reported and documented in the EIR. Documentation to support deviations may include copies of QAU SOPs, list of QAU personnel, their curriculum vitae (CVs) or position descriptions, study-related records, protocols, and final reports.
    3. Facilities (21 CFR 58.41 - 51)
      1. Purpose: Assess whether the facilities are of adequate size and design.
      2. Facility Inspection
        1. Review environmental controls and monitoring procedures for critical areas (i.e., animal rooms, test article storage areas, laboratory areas, handling of bio-hazardous material, etc.) and determine if they appear adequate and are being followed.
        2. Review the SOPs that identify materials used for cleaning critical areas and equipment, and assess the facility's current cleanliness.
        3. Determine whether there are appropriate areas for the receipt, storage, mixing, and handling of the test and control articles.
        4. Determine whether separation is maintained in rooms where two or more functions requiring separation are performed.
        5. Determine that computerized operations and archived computer data are housed under appropriate environmental conditions (e.g., protected from heat, water, and electromagnetic forces).
      3. EIR Documentation and Reporting - Identify which facilities, operations, SOPs, etc., were inspected. Only significant changes in the facility from previous inspections need be described. Facility floor plans may be collected to illustrate problems or changes. Document any conditions that would lead to contamination of test articles or to unusual stress of test systems.
    4. Equipment (21 CFR 58.61 - 63)
      1. Purpose: To assess whether equipment is appropriately designed and of adequate capacity and is maintained and operated in a manner that ensures valid results.
      2. Equipment Inspection - Assess the following:
        1. The general condition, cleanliness, and ease of maintenance of equipment in various parts of the facility.
        2. The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system design and maintenance, including documentation of filter changes and temperature/humidity monitoring in critical areas.
        3. Whether equipment is located where it is used and that it is located in a controlled environment, when required.
        4. Non-dedicated equipment for preparation of test and control article carrier mixtures is cleaned and decontaminated to prevent cross contamination.
        5. For representative pieces of equipment check the availability of the following:
          1. SOPS and/or operating manuals.
          2. Maintenance schedule and log.
          3. Standardization/calibration procedure, schedule, and log.
          4. Standards used for calibration and standardization.
        6. For computer systems, assess that the following procedures exist and are documented (See also attachment A):
          1. Validation study, including validation plan and documentation of the plan's completion.
          2. Maintenance of equipment, including storage capacity and back-up procedures.
          3. Control measures over changes made to the computer system, which include the evaluation of the change, necessary test design, test data, and final acceptance of the change.
          4. Evaluation of test data to assure that data are accurately transmitted and handled properly when analytical equipment is directly interfaced to the computer.
          5. Procedures for emergency back-up of the computer system (e.g., back-up battery system and data forms for recording data in the event of a computer failure or power outage).
      3. EIR Documentation and Reporting - The EIR should list which equipment, records, and procedures were inspected and the studies to which they are related. Detail any deficiencies that might result in contamination of test articles, uncontrolled stress to test systems, and/or erroneous test results.
    5. Testing Facility Operations (21 CFR 58.81)
      1. Purpose: To determine if the facility has established and follows written SOPs necessary to carry out study operations in a manner designed to ensure the quality and integrity of the data.
      2. SOP Evaluation
        1. Review the SOP index and representative samples of SOPs to ensure that written procedures exist to cover at least all of the areas identified in 58.81(b).
        2. Verify that only current SOPs are available at the personnel workstations.
        3. Review key SOPs in detail and check for proper authorization signatures and dates, and general adequacy with respect to the content (i.e., SOPs are clear, complete, and can be followed by a trained individual).
        4. Verify that changes to SOPs are properly authorized and dated and that a historical file of SOPs is maintained.
        5. Ensure that there are procedures for familiarizing employees with SOPs.
        6. Determine that there are SOPs to ensure the quality and integrity of data, including input (data checking and verification), output (data control), and an audit trail covering all data changes.
        7. Verify that a historical file of outdated or modified computer programs is maintained. If the firm does not maintain old programs in digital form, ensure that a hard copy of all programs has been made and stored.
        8. Verify that SOPs are periodically reviewed for current applicability and that they are representative of the actual procedures in use.
        9. Review selected SOPs and observe employees performing the operation to evaluate SOP adherence and familiarity.
      3. EIR Documentation and Reporting - Submit SOPs, data collection forms, and raw data records as exhibits that are necessary to support and illustrate deficiencies.
    6. Reagents and Solutions (21 CFR 58.83)
      1. Purpose: To determine that the facility ensures the quality of reagents at the time of receipt and subsequent use.
        1. Review the procedures used to purchase, receive, label, and determine the acceptability of reagents and solutions for use in the studies.
        2. Verify that reagents and solutions are labeled to indicate identity, titer or concentration, storage requirements, and expiration date.
        3. Verify that for automated analytical equipment, the profile data accompanying each batch of control reagents are used.
        4. Check that storage requirements are being followed.
    7. Animal Care (21 CFR 58.90)
      1. Purpose: To assess whether animal care and housing is adequate to minimize stress and uncontrolled influences that could alter the response of test system to the test article.
      2. Inspect the animal room(s) housing the study to observe operations, protocol and SOP adherence, and study records. Refer to IOM 145.2 prior to inspecting sub-human primate facilities.
        1. Determine that there are adequate SOPs covering environment, housing, feeding, handling, and care of laboratory animals, and that the SOPs and the protocol instructions are being followed.
        2. Review pest-control procedures and documentation of the chemicals used. Identify individuals responsible for the program. When a contractor provides the pest control, determine if someone from the laboratory accompanies the exterminator at all times.
        3. Determine whether the facility has an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Obtain and submit a copy of the Committee's Standard Operating Procedures and the most recent committee minutes to verify committee operation.
        4. Determine that all newly received animals are appropriately isolated, identified, and their health status is evaluated.
        5. Verify that treatment given to animals that become diseased is authorized by the study director and documented.
        6. For a representative sample of animals, compare individual animal identification against corresponding housing unit identification and dose group designations to assure that animals are appropriately identified.
        7. For a representative sample of animals, review daily observation logs and verify their accuracy for animals reported as dead or having external gross lesions or masses.
        8. Ensure that animals of different species, or animals of the same species on different projects, are separated as necessary.
        9. Verify that cages, racks, and accessory equipment are cleaned and sanitized, and that appropriate bedding is used.
        10. Determine that feed and water samples are collected at appropriate sources, analyzed periodically, and that analytical documentation is maintained.
      3. EIR Documentation and Reporting - The EIR should identify which areas, operations, SOPs, studies, etc., were inspected and document any deficiencies.
    8. Test and Control Articles (21 CFR 58.105 - 113)
      1. Purpose: To determine that procedures exist to assure that test and control articles and mixtures of articles with carriers meet protocol specifications throughout the course of the study, and that accountability is maintained.
      2. Characterization and Stability of Test Articles (21 CFR 58.105) - The responsibility for carrying out appropriate characterization and stability testing may be assumed by the facility performing the study or by the study sponsor. When test article characterization and stability testing is performed by the sponsor, verify that the test facility has received documentation that this testing has been conducted.
        1. Verify that procedures are in place to ensure that:
          1. The acquisition, receipt and storage of test articles, and means used to prevent deterioration and contamination are as specified.
          2. The identity, strength, purity, and composition, (i.e., characterization) to define the test and control articles are determined for each batch and are documented.
          3. The stability of test and control articles is documented.
          4. The transfer of samples from the point of collection to the analytical laboratory is documented.
          5. Storage containers are appropriately labeled and assigned for the duration of the study.
          6. Reserve samples of test and control articles for each batch are retained for studies lasting more than four weeks.
      3. Test and Control Article Handling (21 CFR 58.107)
        1. Determine that there are adequate procedures for:
          1. Documentation for receipt and distribution.
          2. Proper identification and storage.
          3. Precluding contamination, deterioration, or damage during distribution.
        2. Inspect test and control article storage areas to verify that environmental controls, container labeling, and storage are adequate.
        3. Observe test and control article handling and identification during the distribution and administration to the test system.
        4. Review a representative sample of accountability records and, if possible, verify their accuracy by comparing actual amounts in the inventory. For completed studies verify documentation of final test and control article reconciliation.
      4. Mixtures of Articles with Carriers (58.113) - If possible, observe the preparation, sampling, testing, storage, and administration of mixtures. Verify that analytical tests are conducted, as appropriate, to:
        1. Determine uniformity of mixtures and to determine periodically the concentration of the test or control article in the mixture, and
        2. Determine the stability as required under study conditions.

        Verify that the results are reported to the study director. When the sponsor performs analytical testing, concentration data may be reported to the study director as absolute or relative (percent of theoretical) values.

      5. EIR Documentation and Reporting - Identify the test articles, SOPs, facilities, equipment, operations, etc., inspected. Review the analytical raw data versus the reported results for accuracy of reporting and overall integrity of the data that is being collected. Where deficiencies or other information suggest a problem with the purity, identity, strength, etc., of the test article or the concentration of test article mixtures, document and obtain copies of the analytical raw data and any related reports. Consideration should be given to collecting a sample as described in Part III, G.
    9. Protocol and Conduct of Nonclinical Laboratory Study (21 CFR 58.120 - 130)
      1. Purpose: To determine if study protocols are properly written and authorized, and that studies are conducted in accordance with the protocol and SOPs.
      2. Study Protocol (21 CFR 58.120)
        1. Review SOPs for protocol preparation and approval and verify they are followed.
        2. Review the protocol to determine if it contains required elements.
        3. Review all changes, revisions, or amendments to the protocol to ensure that they are authorized, signed, and dated by the study director.
        4. Verify that all copies of the approved protocol contain all changes, revisions, or amendments.
      3. Conduct of the Nonclinical Laboratory Study (21 CFR 58.130) - Evaluate the following laboratory operations, facilities, and equipment to verify conformity with protocol and SOP requirements for:
        1. Test system monitoring.
        2. Recording of raw data (manual and automated).
        3. Corrections to raw data (corrections must not obscure the original entry and must be dated, initialed, and explained).
        4. Randomization of test systems.
        5. Collection and identification of specimens.
        6. Authorized access to data and computerized systems.
      4. EIR Reporting and Documentation - Identify the study(ies) inspected and, if available, the associated FDA research or marketing permit numbers. Report and document any deficiencies observed. Submit, as exhibits, a copy of all protocols and amendments that were reviewed.
    10. Records and Reports (21 CFR 58.185 - 195)
      1. Purpose: To assess how the test facility stores and retrieves raw data, documentation, protocols, final reports, and specimens.
      2. Reporting of Study Results (21 CFR 58.185) - Determine if the facility prepares a final report for each study conducted. For selected studies, obtain the final report, and verify that it contains the following:
        1. The required elements in 21 CFR 58.185(a)(1-14), including the identity (name and address) of any subcontractor facilities and portion of the study contracted, and a description of any computer program changes.
        2. Dated signature of the study director (21 CFR 58.185(b)).
        3. Corrections or additions to the final report are made in compliance with 21 CFR 58.185(c).
      3. Storage and Retrieval of Records and Data (21 CFR 58.190)
        1. Verify that raw data, documentation, protocols, final reports, and specimens have been retained.
        2. Identify the individual responsible for the archives. Determine if delegation of duties to other individuals in maintaining the archives has occurred.
        3. Verify that archived material retained or referred to in the archives is indexed to permit expedient retrieval. It is not necessary that all data and specimens be in the same archive location. For raw data and specimens retained elsewhere, the archives index must make specific reference to those other locations.
        4. Verify that access to the archives is controlled and determine that environmental controls minimize deterioration.
        5. Ensure that there are controlled procedures for adding or removing material. Review archive records for the removal and return of data and specimens. Check for unexplained or prolonged removals.
        6. Determine how and where computer data and backup copies are stored, that records are indexed in a way to allow access to data stored on electronic media, and that environmental conditions minimize deterioration.
        7. Determine to what electronic media such as tape cassettes or ultra high capacity portable discs the test facility has the capacity of copying records in electronic form. Report names and identifying numbers of both copying equipment type and electronic medium type to enable agency personnel to bring electronic media to future inspections for collecting exhibits.
      4. EIR Documentation and Reporting – Provide a brief summary of the facility’s report preparation procedures and their retention and retreival of records, reports, and specimens. If records are archived off-site, obtain a copy of documentation of the records which were transferred and where they are located. Describe and document deficiencies.
  5. Data Audit

    In addition to the procedures outlined above for evaluating the overall GLP compliance of a firm, the inspection should include the audit of at least one completed study. Studies for audit may be assigned by the Center or selected by the investigator as described in Part III, A. The audit will include a comparison of the protocol (including amendments to the protocol), raw data, records, and specimens against the final report to substantiate that protocol requirements were met and that findings were fully and accurately reported.

    1. For each study audited, the study records should be reviewed for quality to ensure that data are:
      1. Attributable – the raw data can be traced, by signature or initials and date to the individual observing and recording the data. Should more than one individual observe or record the data, that fact should be reflected in the data.
      2. Legible – the raw data are readable and recorded in a permanent medium. If changes are made to original entries, the changes:
        1. Must not obscure the original entry.
        2. Indicate the reason for change.
        3. Must be signed or initialed and dated by the person making the change.
      3. Contemporaneous – the raw data are recorded at the time of the observation.
      4. Original – the first recording of the data.
      5. Accurate – the raw data are true and complete observations. For data entry forms that require the same data to be entered repeatedly, all fields should be completed or a written explanation for any empty fields should be retained with the study records.
    2. General
      1. Determine if there were any significant changes in the facilities, operations, and QAU functions other than those previously reported.
      2. Determine whether the equipment used was inspected, standardized, and calibrated prior to, during, and after use in the study. If equipment malfunctioned, review the remedial action, and ensure that the final report addresses whether the malfunction affected the study.
      3. Determine if approved SOPs existed during the conduct of the study.
      4. Compare the content of the protocol with the requirements in 21 CFR 58.120.
      5. Review the final report for the study director's dated signature and the QAU statement as required in 21 CFR 58.35(b)(7).
    3. Protocol vs. Final Report - Study methods described in the final report should be compared against the protocol and the SOPs to confirm those requirements were met. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
      1. Selection and acquisition of the test system, i.e., species, source, weight range, number, age, date ordered, date received.
      2. Procedure for receipt, examination, and isolation of newly received animals.
      3. Methods of test system identification, housing, and assignment to study.
      4. Types and occurrences of diseases and clinical observations prior to and during the study, as well as any treatments administered.
      5. Frequency and methods of sampling and analysis for contaminants in feed and water.
      6. Feed and water contaminant levels did not exceed limits specified in the protocol.
      7. Types of bedding and pest control materials do not interfere with the study.
      8. Preparation and administration of test and/or control articles.
      9. Analysis of test article/test article carrier mixtures.
      10. Observation of the test system response to test article.
      11. Handling of dead or moribund animals.
      12. Collection and analysis of specimens and raw data.
      13. Necropsy, gross pathology, and histopathology.
    4. Final Report vs. Raw Data
      1. The audit should include a detailed review of records, memorandum, and other raw data to confirm that the findings in the final report completely and accurately reflect the raw data. Representative samples of raw data should be audited against the final report. Examples of types of data to be checked include, but are not limited to, the following:
        1. Animal body weight records.
        2. Food and water consumption records.
        3. Test system observation and dosing records.
        4. Records for the analysis of uniformity, concentration, and stability of test and control article mixtures.
        5. Protocol-required analyses (e.g., urinalysis, hematology, blood chemistry, ophthalmologic exams).
        6. Necropsy and gross pathology records.
        7. Histopathology, including records for tissue processing and slide preparation.
        8. Conformity between "interim" reports (e.g., a report on the first year of a multi-year study) and the final report.
      2. A representative number of animals from selected dose groups (initially the control and high) should be traced from receipt through final histopathologic examination. Evaluate for the following:
        1. The accuracy of individual test system identification.
        2. Review trends in each parameter measured or observed and note inconsistencies.
        3. Explanations for reported data outliers.
        4. Conformity between in vivo test system observations and gross pathology observations.
        5. Conformity between gross pathology observations and histopathologic examinations.
        6. Documentation of unforeseen circumstances that may have affected the quality and integrity of the study.
    5. Specimens vs. Final Report - The audit should include examination of a representative sample of specimens in the archives for confirmation of the number and identity of specimens in the final report.
    6. EIR Documentation and Reporting
      1. All studies audited should be identified by:
        1. Sponsor's name.
        2. Study title (and any study numbers).
        3. Study director's name.
        4. Test article name and/or code.
        5. Test system.
        6. The date the protocol was signed by the study director.
        7. In-life starting and ending dates.
        8. The date the study director signed the final report. and if available,
        9. The FDA research or marketing application number.
      2. Describe and document any significant deficiencies in the conduct or reporting of the study. Obtain a copy of the narrative study report and protocol.
  6. Refusal to Permit Inspection

    Field investigators should refer to IOM Section 514 for general guidance on dealing with refusal to permit inspection. Test facility management should be advised that the agency will not consider a nonclinical laboratory study in support of a research or marketing permit if the testing facility refuses to permit inspection (58.15(b)).


    Under this program, partial refusals, including refusal to permit access to, and copying of the master schedule (including any code sheets), SOPs, and other documents pertaining to the inspection will be treated as a "total" refusal to permit inspection.

  7. Sealing of Research Records

    Whenever a field investigator encounters questionable or suspicious records under any Bioresearch Monitoring Program, and is unable to copy or review them immediately, and has reason for preserving the integrity of those records, the investigator is to immediately contact by telephone HFC-230 for instructions. Refer to IOM 453.7 for more information.

  8. Samples
    1. Collection of samples should be considered when the situation under audit or surveillance suggests that the facility had, or is having, problems in the area of characterization, stability, storage, contamination, or dosage preparation. The investigator should contact the assigning Center and the Division of Field Science (HFC-140) before samples are collected. If the field investigator collects a sample, a copy of the methodology and reference samples from the sponsor or the testing facility must also be obtained. The copy will be sent to HFC-140 for designation of a laboratory to perform the sample analysis according to instrument capabilities and the availability of the selected district laboratory. The investigator should contact HFC-140 at (301) 827-7605 for specific disposition/handling instructions. The investigator must use the appropriate 7-digit code for product collected and provide complete documentation with each sample for possible legal/administrative actions.
    2. Samples may include physical samples of:
      1. Carrier.
      2. Test article.
      3. Control article.
      4. Mixtures of test or control articles with carriers.
      5. Specimens including wet tissues, tissue blocks, and slides (see above regarding Center and HFC-140 authorization and instructions).
  9. Inspectional Observations

    A FDA 483 listing inspectional observations will be issued under this program. Findings should not be listed on the FDA 483 if in the opinion of the field investigator:

    1. The findings are problems that have been observed and corrected by the firm through its internal procedures.
    2. The findings are minor and are one-time occurrences that have no impact on the firm's operations, study conduct, or data integrity.

    Findings that are not considered significant enough to be listed on the FDA 483 may be discussed with the firm's management. Such discussions must be reported in the EIR.

  10. Establishment Inspection Reports

    Because the Centers are solely responsible for issuing post-inspection correspondence, each EIR must include the full name, title, academic degree(s), and mailing address of the most responsible person at the test facility (For universities the most responsible person would typically be a member of the administration (e.g., department chair, dean)).

    Documentation necessary to support the observations listed on the FDA 483 should be collected, submitted, and referenced in the EIR narrative. Suspected violations under Title 21 must be documented sufficiently to form the basis for legal or administrative action. Discuss potential violations under Title 18 with your supervisor and District compliance officer prior to extensive documentation.

    1. Full Reporting

      A full report will be prepared and submitted in the following situations:

      1. The initial GLP inspection of a facility.
      2. All inspections that may result in an OAI classification.
      3. Any assignment specifically requesting a full report.

      The EIR should contain the headings described in IOM 593.3, in addition to the headings outlined in Part III, C, and D. The report must always include sufficient information and documentation to support the recommended classification.

    2. Abbreviated Reporting
      1. Field investigators may use abbreviated reporting for the following types of assignments:
        1. Surveillance inspections (except for initial inspections) of a facility when it is apparent from the findings that the inspection may result in a final classification of NAI or VAI. These reports must include enough documented information to support the final classification.
        2. Directed inspections and data audits provided the report fully covers all aspects of the specific topic of the inspection (i.e., operations, past deficiencies, assigned studies, etc.) and documents significant adverse findings to support the final classification.
      2. Format
        1. The EIR should be clearly identified as an abbreviated report.
        2. The report should include all the headings described in IOM section 593.1 and include:
          1. The identity of the studies selected for audit and review
          2. Identification of the areas, operations, and amount of data that were inspected (e.g., identity and percent of records reviewed in a specific area, number of animals tracked, percent of slides checked for accountability, etc.)
          3. All adverse observations will be fully discussed in the EIR and documented to permit assessment of their impact on the quality and integrity of the studies.

    If the Center review reveals that an abbreviated report is inadequate, the Center will notify HFC-130 that additional information is required.

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