FAQs for the ComplianceWire Learner
- Q: How can I register for a ComplianceWire account?
- Q: How can I register for a ComplianceWire account?
- A: Personnel in ORA Program Areas should contact your Program Training Officer (RTO).
- Headquarters ORA and all Center personnel should email their request to appsdesk@fda.hhs.gov
Q: Some courses have a token to the right that resembles a sheet of paper with a pencil. When I launch the course it opens a dialog box with information or questions followed by another box asking for an e-signature. Do I complete the e-signature?
A: The courses with a token to the left that resembles a sheet of paper with a pencil are called control documents. Usually the control document will direct you to another site or explain what you need to do to obtain credit for that control document. You should follow the instructions of the control document and after completing the requirements, return to the control document to sign the e-signature.
Q: If I'm timed-out while taking an online course (because of my Company/Organization defined timeout period) will I have to retake the entire course?
A: No, if you are timed-out while taking a course, the system will bookmark your progress. When you return to the course, the system will bring you to the section of the course where you left off.
Q: How do I print my certificate of completion for a course?
A: After you have successfully completed the End-of-Lesson challenge, click [Continue]. Your certificate of completion will appear. Select [File] and the [Print] from your Internet browser.
NOTE: If you do not print the certificate at the time of completion, you can obtain a copy of your certificate from the My Scores History area of the system at any time.
Q: How do I view a record of my completed scores?
A: Click on My History area of the system, located under the Instruction Tab under Instruction.
Q: Can I print a copy of my history?
A: After selecting My History on the Instruction tab, select the Report on the Button bar at the bottom of the screen. The report will be downloaded as a CSV file for printing. CSV files can be opened with MS Excel.
Q: If I complete the Tour of FDA on the FDA website outside of ComplianceWire, does that completion show in ComplianceWire?
A: No, only courses launched and completed on ComplianceWire will be recorded as a completion in ComplianceWire.
Q: I forgot my password, how can obtain my password?
A: On the Login Screen, next to the password box, you will see Forgot your password? Click on it, complete the information on the next screen and select continue. Your password will be emailed to you, as long as your e-mail is in the Compliancewire system.
Q: Is there is reference manual?
A: Yes. There is a reference manual located under the Support Tab. Click on Training Aids. Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate chapter. The manual can be sent to your printer for a hard copy.
Q: When I logged into ComplianceWire, there was a course on My To-Do List. How did it appear on my list?
A: There are 2 ways that the course may have appeared on your My To-do list.
- The course may have been assigned to you by your manager or someone with the appropriate security level.
- You may have launched the course from the catalog. Once you launch the course it will appear on your My To-do list as an elective. It will also have a token (to the left of the title) denoting it as being bookmarked.
Q: I launched a course as an elective and now I would like to remove it from my My To-do List. Can I remove it?
A: Yes, under the Instruction Tab, at the bottom of the screen on the button bar, you will find Delete Optional Assignments. Click on it and the next screen will list the courses that you can delete from your My To-do list. Follow the screens to delete your desired course or courses.
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