FDA Seeks Nominations for Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee
September 18, 2023
CTP is requesting nominations by Oct. 11, 2023 for a nonvoting representative of the interests of the tobacco manufacturing industry to serve on the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC). Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by any interested person or organization.
In addition, CTP is seeking any industry organizations interested in participating in the selection of this TPSAC nonvoting representative.
Nomination materials for prospective TPSAC candidates and letters from industry organizations interested in participating in the selection process should be sent to CTP by Oct. 11, 2023. Please see the Federal Register notice for further details on the nomination and selection procedures.
TPSAC advises CTP in its responsibilities related to the regulation of tobacco products. The committee reviews and evaluates safety, dependence, and health issues concerning tobacco products and provides appropriate advice, information, and recommendations to the FDA commissioner.