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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  4. ESG NextGen Draft API Specification
  1. ESG Next Generation

ESG NextGen Draft API Specification

Draft API Specification

ESG NextGen offers Application Programming Interface (API) assistance with tasks including initial and subsequent submissions, status inquiries, and other service functions as part of the File Submission process. ​All of the ESG NextGen APIs are built using the RESTful standard for ease of integration. ESG NextGen's API platform provides security enforcement to ensure data exchange is secure.

ESG NextGen uses ClientIDs and Secret passwords for API authentication and OAuth 2.0 for API authorization. When requested, an access token is generated and validated. Upon validation, the client's application can access the relative APIs and submit files.

API Category API Objective Description / Purpose
Authorization Generate API Submission ID Will generate unique CORE IDs. This feature will be useful for Industry Partner Users who need to manage and track file submissions effectively.
Submission Status Get Submission Status Designed to retrieve the current status of a submission by using its CORE ID. This functionality will assist Industry Partner Users in monitoring the status of their submissions.
File Movement Create Submission Payload Will allow the initialization of the payload for submission. It will assist Industry Partner Users in preparing the data required for a successful submission process.
File Movement Upload Attachments Designed to facilitate the uploading of individual attachments, which will provide flexibility and convenience for Industry Partner Users during the submission process.
File Movement Submit Payload Will deliver the prepared payload (i.e., submission content). It will provide a simple and streamlined process for Industry Partner Users to submit their data.

In the future, the detailed API specification will be published. Presently, please request a copy of the pre-release API specification by emailing EsgNgSupport@fda.hhs.gov.


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