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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  3. New Era of Smarter Food Safety
  4. Tracking and Tracing of Food
  1. New Era of Smarter Food Safety

Tracking and Tracing of Food

New Era Feature

Food traceability is the ability to follow the movement of a food product and its ingredients through all steps in the supply chain, both backward and forward. Traceability involves documenting and linking the production, processing, and distribution chain of food products and ingredients. In the case of a foodborne illness outbreak or contamination event, efficient product tracing helps government agencies and those who produce and sell food to rapidly find the source of the product and where contamination may have occurred. This enables faster removal of the affected product from the marketplace, reducing incidences of foodborne illnesses.

FSMA and Traceability

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) addresses the need for rapid and effective tracking and tracing of foods. FSMA section 204, Enhancing Tracking and Tracing of Food and Recordkeeping, instructs the FDA to develop additional recordkeeping requirements for certain foods. Section 204 has three major requirements:

FDA must establish pilot projects in coordination with the food industry to explore and evaluate methods and appropriate technologies for rapid and effective tracking and tracing of foods.

  • These pilot projects were completed, and in March 2013 FDA released a report containing the findings. In addition, in November 2016, FDA issued a Report to Congress that described the findings of the pilot projects and that also included the agency’s recommendations for improving the tracking and tracing of food, as required by section 204 of FSMA.

FDA is required to designate foods for which additional recordkeeping requirements are appropriate and necessary to protect the public health.

FDA must publish a notice of final rulemaking to establish such additional recordkeeping requirements for the designated foods, to help in tracing such foods.

The Blueprint for the New Era of Smarter Food Safety outlines the FDA’s vision to enhance traceability, improve predictive analytics, respond more rapidly to outbreaks, address new business models, reduce contamination of food, and foster the development of stronger food safety cultures. Although the FSMA 204 rulemaking is limited to only certain foods on the Food Traceability List, the blueprint identifies it as a foundational first step on the path to promoting tech-enabled end-to-end traceability for all foods. The Food Traceability Final Rule establishes a standardized approach to traceability recordkeeping, paving the way for industry to adopt, harmonize, and leverage more digital traceability systems in the future.  

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