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Notification to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of imported shipments of articles of food prior to their arrival in the United States.
Includes information about the product, quantity, and packaging, and related facilities, such as the manufacturer, shipper, owner, and ultimate consignee. Information required varies by entry type.
Anyone who has knowledge of the required information about an imported shipment may submit Prior Notice through the FDA Prior Notice System Interface.
Brokers and filers who currently submit Entries for admissibility processing through the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) to the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) can submit Prior Notices through that system.
"Article" is a food subject to prior notice.
Web Entry
The information that applies to one or more Articles subject to Prior Notice requirements in one shipment.
Includes information such as the anticipated arrival port, date, and time, the submitter, importer, and the carrier. Information required varies by entry type.
Tutorials may cover additional terms you need to understand in their context.