Annex 2 - Performance Goal II Activities
Performance Goal II:
- A. Enroll 15 percent (450) of the eligible jurisdictions (3000) in the Program Standards by October 1, 2010.
- B. Have at least 50 percent of the enrolled jurisdictions each meet 25 percent of the Standards as verified by an audit by October 1, 2010.
(Note: Bold font indicates that the activity has been completed)
- Conduct five (5) grassroots meetings (1/Region) to determine components of a National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards.
- Compile preliminary report on the Grassroots meetings. Disseminate summary to stakeholders.
- Initiate development of the nine (9) Program Standards for Regulatory Retail Food Programs.
- Complete Program Standards draft.
- Initiate pilot project with seven (7) jurisdictions. Conduct self-assessments using the Standards.
- Pilot projects completed.
- Summary reports from pilot jurisdictions submitted to the Conference for Food Protection.
- Conference for Food Protection endorses the concept and provides input to FDA for enhancing the Standards.
- Specialists provide Standards orientation to regulatory jurisdictions at Regional Seminars and one-on-one visits.
- Standards revised/updated based on CFP and pilot jurisdictions input.
- Program Standards training provided to all Specialists via Pictel.
- Program Standards posted on FDA Web site.
- Conduct five regional workshops for regulatory jurisdictions interested in using the Standards.
- Enroll 60 regulatory jurisdictions to conduct self-assessments and strategic plans using the Standards.
- Conduct follow-up workshops (1/region) for enrolled and interested regulatory jurisdictions.
- Establish Clearinghouse Workgroup to provide interpretations/information on Standards in coordination with CFP.
- Increase exposure of the premise and substance of the Program Standards at National meetings e.g., NEHA, IAFP.
- Submit Standards to CFP for endorsement via CFP Accreditation Committee.
- Examine use of social marketing to promote implementation and understanding of the Standards. Conduct workshop at CFP.
- Develop a social marketing action plan for Program Standards (moved to 2005 due to need to obtain financial resources to accomplish key initiatives).
- Create brochure or 1-page fact sheet and other tools to market the Standards.
- Hold strategic planning workshop for enrolled jurisdictions to help provide a number of model strategic plans.
- Provide model Planning document to State, Local, and other jurisdictions. (Re-evaluation of stakeholders needs indicated that this was not a viable objective).
- Provide all Level I training courses as web-based courses (All completed in 2003 with the exception of Communication course).
- Disseminate information on web-based courses during the April 2002 CFP Meeting, NEHA AEC, and AFDO conference.
- Work with sponsoring organizations of national awards that recognize state & local programs to encourage use of the Program Standards as the criteria for ranking applications.
- Interact with FDA & State regulatory reps to provide practical application of the Program Standards, meet with states and locals, and incorporate Standards discussion into curriculum of all DHRD retail courses.
- Beginning FY 2002 and until at least 2004, reexamine need for CEOs and gather information from organizations that conduct audits.
- Beginning FY 2002 and until at least 2004, establish criteria for auditors & submit draft through the CFP consensus building process.
- Revise instructions for use of the Appendices to the Standards; reformat as “cookbooks” for each Standard.
- Develop training course(s) for national team members on the principles of systems auditing as they relate to food safety and security.
- Complete and distribute Guidance on conducting Level I audits.
- Enroll number of jurisdictions identified in the Work plan.
- Provide Baseline Data Collection Instruction Manual to the second year participants.
- Develop procedure for modifying Program Standards that includes vetting changes through the CFP.
- Incorporate biosecurity provisions into Program Standards.
- Conduct follow-up workshops regionally, as needed. Continue to incorporate Standards discussions into Regional Seminars.
- Develop and deliver workshops on state Task Force objectives and Program Standards.
- Through FY 2004, Continue dissemination and promotion of the Standards and the assessment process by the “pioneers” of the Standards (states experienced in their use).
- Complete the association of ORA-U training courses with the curriculum criteria in Program Standard 2.
- Enroll the number of jurisdictions identified in the Work plan
- Continue to assist jurisdictions with technical assistance on baseline protocol (previous year enrollees).
- Provide auditor training for Specialists and other potential auditors.
- Work with the CFP Program Standards Committee regarding issues that may be submitted to CFP.
- Initiate revisions to the Standards based on CFP recommendations.
- Integrate discussions regarding the Program Standards into the agenda of Regional Retail Food Seminars.
- Provide presentations at the Conference for Food Protection, IAFP and other meetings pertaining to innovations in retail food programs.
- Complete Communications course for Level I training as a web-based course.
- Complete the electronic cross-reference/link of ORA-U training courses with the curriculum criteria in Program Standard 2 to facilitate stakeholders’ completion of the Standard.
- Institute electronic tracking software for Program Standards contacts, enrollment information, etc.
- Assess and evaluate the challenges to Program Standards enrollment and develop talking points that highlight the benefits of enrollment.
- Enroll the number of jurisdictions identified in the Work plan.
- Conduct audits of Program Standards where requested. Provide technical assistance on audit process.
- Continue technical assistance on baseline protocol.
- Integrate discussions regarding the Program Standards into the agenda of Regional Retail Food Seminars.
- Develop timeline and action plan for marketing Program Standards.
- Develop an FDA tool for auditing the auditor; expand course as needed.
- Enroll the number of jurisdictions identified in the Work plan.
- Conduct audits of Program Standards where requested or provide technical assistance on the audit process.
- Provide technical assistance on baseline protocol.
- Conduct workshops as part of the Regional Seminar.
- Develop auditor validation protocol.
- Submit CFP issues.
- Revise Standards per CFP input.
- Enroll number of jurisdictions per Work Plan.
- Conduct audits when requested /provide technical assistance.
- Provide technical assistance on Baseline protocol.
- Conduct workshops as part of the Regional Seminars.
- Provide training on the auditor validation protocol.
- Enroll number of jurisdictions per Work plan.
- Conduct audits when requested/provide technical assistance.
- Provide technical assistance on Baseline protocol.
- Validation of audits.
- Conduct Workshops.
- CFP Issues.
- Revise Standards.
- Enroll number of jurisdictions per Work plan.
- Conduct audits when requested/provide technical assistance.
- Provide technical assistance on Baseline protocol.
- Validation of audits.
- Conduct Workshops.
- Enroll number of jurisdictions per Work plan.
- Conduct audits when requested/provide technical assistance.
- Provide technical assistance on Baseline protocol.
- Validation of audits.
- Conduct Workshops.
- CFP Issues.
- Assess Performance Indicators/Goals.
- Revise Operational Plan based on Performance Indicators.