FDA Small Business Regulatory Education for Industry (REdI) Conference May 2016
For slides from this event, click here
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Small Business and Industry Assistance (CDER SBIA),
are pleased to announce a co-sponsored event developed just for you:
This 2-day conference has been pre-approved by RAPS as eligible for up to 12 credits towards a participant's RAC recertification upon full completion.
The Regulatory Education for Industry (REdI) Conference is an FDA-led forum that brings together the regulatory educators from FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation (CDER) and Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). The goal of this conference is to provide direct, relevant, and helpful information on the key aspects of drug and device regulations. Our primary audience is that of small manufacturers of drug and/or device medical products who want to learn about how FDA approaches the regulation of drugs and devices.
- May 17th and 18th: During the lunch breaks there will be networking opportunities with colleagues that are optional self-pay events. Reservations are not necessary, simply purchase a lunch and join attendees for casual networking and socializing. This optional event will be held in the hotel lounge
- May 17th: Optional self-pay networking event with colleagues after the conference adjourns. Reservations are not necessary, food and drinks are available for purchase. This is a great opportunity to network and socialize with other attendees. This optional event will be held in the hotel lounge
Registration is required.
- We ask that you honor your registration commitment. If you are registered and are unable to attend please contact events@nakamotogroup.com