FDA Drug Topics: An Update on Transmucosal Buprenorphine and Dental Caries - December 10, 2024
FDA’s Division of Drug Information in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is excited to present our FDA Drug Topic series of educational webinars targeting the needs of all health care professionals, including physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and certified public health professionals. Interact with FDA staff from a variety of divisions and learn more about the FDA and drug regulation!
On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, CDER's Office of Communication, Division of Drug Information (DDI) will host a webinar titled: FDA Drug Topics: An Update on Transmucosal Buprenorphine and Dental Caries. In this webinar, we will highlight the regulatory action taken by FDA regarding a post-market safety signal of transmucosal buprenorphine products and dental caries. The audience will gain knowledge on the science behind this action, as well as increase their awareness of the national opioid crisis, treatments for opioid use disorder, and FDA's regulatory authority for addressing safety issues in drug labeling. Upon completion of the activity, healthcare providers will leave with an improved understanding of these adverse events and be better equipped to inform patients.
Register here: https://fda.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_fCQhG7bhRjm06C8eXFXV4w
Activity Outline and Continuing Education Information: U.S. Food & Drug Administration