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  1. MCM Legal, Regulatory and Policy Framework

Guidance and Other Information of Special Interest to MCM Stakeholders

Compass on wooden background, representing the concept of guidance

FDA develops guidance to provide its policy perspectives and recommendations on a wide variety of topics. The guidance documents below may be of special interest to existing or prospective medical countermeasure (MCM) sponsors, and other stakeholders, including state, tribal, local and territorial public health preparedness personnel. 

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Please see COVID-19-Related Guidance Documents for Industry, FDA Staff, and Other Stakeholders for a list of all guidances related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

For additional MCM-related guidance and industry announcements from previous years, please visit our archives, available by date.

On this page:

General Guidance

Indication-Specific Guidance (Drugs)

Vaccines, Gene Therapies, and Cell Therapies (Biologics)

Diagnostics, Medical Devices and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Pediatric Guidance of Interest to MCM Stakeholders

Other Information of Interest (press releases, notices, etc.)

General Guidance

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Indication-Specific Guidance (Drugs)

  • Guidance, compliance and regulatory information for drugs (from CDER)

  • Meetings, Conferences & Workshops (Drugs)

  • April 19, 2023: FDA announced availability of a draft guidance for industry, Acute Radiation Syndrome: Developing Drugs for Prevention and Treatment. The purpose of this draft guidance is to provide information and recommendations to assist sponsors and other interested parties in the development of drugs to prevent or treat acute radiation syndrome (ARS) caused by exposure to ionizing radiation from accidental or deliberate events. Generally, drugs developed for such indications will require approval under the regulations commonly referred to as the Animal Rule. Submit comments by July 19, 2023.

  • March 2, 2023: FDA issued a draft guidance, Potency Assay Considerations for Monoclonal Antibodies and Other Therapeutic Proteins Targeting Viral Pathogens. This guidance provides drug manufacturers with recommendations for developing and implementing potency assays to ensure each lot of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) or other therapeutic proteins is produced consistently with the potency necessary to achieve efficacy and that potency is maintained over the shelf life of the product. In January 2021, FDA published a guidance specific to potency considerations for mAbs and therapeutic proteins targeting SARS-CoV-2 (the virus causing COVID-19). This draft guidance expands the scope of the January 2021 guidance to include all mAbs and other therapeutic proteins targeting viruses, not just mAbs targeting SARS-CoV-2. Submit comments by May 1, 2023

  • January 19, 2023: FDA announced availability of a draft guidance for industry: Mpox: Development of Drugs and Biological Products. FDA is issuing this guidance to support sponsors in their development of drugs and biological products for mpox. This guidance provides nonclinical, virology, and clinical considerations for mpox drug and biological product development programs, with a focus on recommendations to support initiation of clinical trials. Preventive vaccines are not addressed in this guidance. Submit comments by March 21, 2023

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Vaccines, Gene Therapies, and Cell Therapies (Biologics) 

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Diagnostics, Medical Devices and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

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Pediatric Guidances of Interest to MCM Stakeholders

Also see the Pediatric Medical Countermeasures guidance page from CDER, including considerations for bioterrorism and radiation emergencies.

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Other Information of Interest (press releases, notices, etc.)

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